Rossi Mora Viaggi operates in the Public Transport business as a member of the consortia Travelbus s.c.a r.l. and Parmabus s.c.r.l. and offers an efficient, punctual and safe service that involves the Municipalities of Albareto, Borgo Val di Taro, Bardi, Berceto, Fornovo di Taro, Varsi, Varano de Melegari, Medesano, Collecchio, Calestano, Parma, Noceto and Fidenza.
Every vehicle is equipped with an intelligent transport system (ITS), which allows, at any time, from any device and in any condition (stationary or moving), to track individual vehicles real-time position via a GPS system and detailed maps, as well as to measure their consumption, stops and transit times.
We carry out the following extra-urban lines:
48-50 Line 2270 Fornovo-Medesano-Noceto-Parma→
64 Line 2350 Bardi-Ca’braglia-Porcigatone-Borgotaro→
56-57 Lines Bardi-Varsi-Varano Melegari-Fornovo→
82 Line 2410 Borgotaro-Ghiare Di Berceto-Solignano-Fornovo→
92-94 Line 2525 Fornovo-Gaiano-Collecchio-Parma→
Local public transport services are provided with on-board ticketing service and vehicles are equipped with the Smart Ticket system.
It is an on-call bus service created to facilitate mobility in the municipalities of Albareto, Berceto and Borgo Val di Taro / Corniglio / Monchio and Palanzano.
For people with special needs in terms of destination area or arrival time, this on-call bus service is the ideal solution: people can reach areas that are not usually served by regular bus line services and can get to ad-hoc destinations. To book your trip within the above-mentioned areas, just call 840 22 22 23 either the day before the trip or the same day.
Same-day reservations will be granted based on availability. Calls can be made every weekday from 7.30 to 17.00 and Saturday from 7.30 to 12.00.
For more information and details see the dedicated page in TEP website.